19691200 (ll)
Journal: December 1969
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Comment on Rousseau's Social Contract (ll)

It seems that the truth of my society is an intricate, self-debasing, unfulfilling, economic Kaleidoscope. Production not for self-sustainment; not for personal gratification (I cannot conceive of gratification arising from turning a single copy of screw in one thousand holes or entering someone else's data into a computer database each day for forty years.) but rather to gain a bargaining position with which one can outbid his brother for the power of control over other men. Consequently, from this economic society evolves a political organization and “Hence the right of the strongest”. The strongest, being born from the society he inherited, must therefore maintain that same society and prohibit destruction of the existing form from arising in order to hold his power.

Letter to Sharon (bsn) (never sent) (sent 51 years later on June 2, 2020)

Dear Sharon,
Our paths have parted now, but I must tell you that still I am very deeply in love with you. I always will be. Love for some yet unknown woman may again touch my mind tomorrow or the day after, but that shall not succeed the love I have for you, but will complement the beauty you have shown to me. I may place my thoughts of you in that memory chamber that I call upon only when I need reassurance that caring and truth do exist. Bringing beauty into my life is the gift you have given me, a gift I can never lose or even forget through disuse. Beauty seems so hard to find that I cherish in wonder every eternal moment we spent laughing, crying, and loving. If the love I give tomorrow brings to me the same love and freedom I felt with you, then I shall have gained again upon the distance that separates me from heaven. If not, I have already found the knowledge that heaven is known only by the living. We shared much more than our bodies. We probed and consumed each other’s minds with an enveloping w armth that I shall always have to drive away the cold. You are a beautiful person who I refuse to dissect into a series of patterned responses preferring to remember your beauty.
I love you Sharon.